play ethic
..versus the work ethic. much has been made of the proletarian lifestyle, the worker bee, their piousness. as commendable as that is, or as a friend of mine used to say- 'be that as it may'....may i present to you for your viewing pleasure the formerly subversive or submersive play ethic. not intending to overthrow or disable the work ethic but a peaceful coexistence is all that is desired. in the entomological world we never see play . bees playing volleyball? hardly. ants biking? never- although i did see one swimming this morning but that was forced upon him/her as i myself intiated the plunge. however mammals were meant to engage thusly, or else why would the dogs be playing poker? play enhances your entire being. which brings me back to my original thought, head on, full contact with the world. play hard, play well, play often. fight the fear- use everything. as frankie didnt say, 'relax, do it' or as einstein said,'example is not the main thing in influencing others. it is the only thing'....... the influence of delight...
At 8:29 PM,
minako said…
life is too short not to enjoy a good play ethic.. enjoy life to the fullest - otherwise, what's the point? .. and btw, you do lead by example - you're sure doing something right! people will look up to you and say 'wow - how i admire her play ethic'... ;)
At 9:21 PM,
intrigant said…
as my crackhead cousin says in his oh so wise way, 'life is arbitrary brutal and short'
At 3:17 PM,
Anonymous said…
It all seems rather ambiguous to me! But then I read way too much.
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