
Saturday, July 16, 2005

reminder: have fun with your blog

recently reminded that this was something i felt was cathartic to do ...so i am back on track.
socrates said the unexamined life is not worth living- one of my favorites.
so i am examining -isnt that strange? you would think i would have it all figured out by now.
or at least finished the exam part and moved on to the lab work.
friends- so great- i would have drowned many times over if not for them. different crossroads of my life they have helped me with everything from analgesic and amensia to zero gravity and i really cant think of any other z words right now except zoology and as good as my friends are i dont think anyone has ever assisted me with that...so i guess that will have to remain unsaid or unwritten for now. i am rambling but i guess thats what a blog is for- a refuge for the sleep deprived-muy casada. will try to form this into a coherent thought tomorrow....shout out to d.g


  • At 3:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    7 Types of Ambiguity - yes I keep talking about it - 700 pages later and quite sad to leave it - the main character is a psychologist and he keeps a daily journal. Believes it is a healthy thing to do. Of course he dies and since he is self prescribing/diagnosing his mental illness he ends up killing himself not considering the half life etc (READ THE BOOK) -

    So to me a blog is this daily journal that character spoke of. Also a way to go back and see your actions at a later date -

    Love da BRONX in ya! (shout out)


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