how well do you really want to get to know people?
how intimate do you want to be? blood, saliva, bile, feces, vomit, urine, semen, sputum, much can people emit from their bodies and still retain a sense of dignity? ankle deep in it all- spattered and pulled in all directions.
esp the tears....yanking viscerally at you...triste, muy triste...
so what next? like the godfather- everytime i try to get out they pull me back in-
unaccessible by no one except myself- the mind is a splendorous thing, so private, so decadent, so mine.
free reign.
i shall have to ponder the possibilities of the next adventure.
esp the tears....yanking viscerally at you...triste, muy triste...
so what next? like the godfather- everytime i try to get out they pull me back in-
unaccessible by no one except myself- the mind is a splendorous thing, so private, so decadent, so mine.
free reign.
i shall have to ponder the possibilities of the next adventure.
At 11:21 PM,
minako said…
maybe it's not a question of intimacy but of self-control.. i mean, one of the first things we learn are how to control our bladder/bowels. we are told at a young age that it's not polite to spit at people. and apart from a certain george bush, sr. most adults have control over whether or not they throw up on you..
as for tears, that's a tricky one.. at times, try as one might, they can be near-impossible to control.. though some people seem to be able to have this ability - the closest i think i've come is being able to cry silently without the person laying next to you noticing (many years of practice)..
tears though, i think are cathartic - i don't think it diminishes ones dignity or strength. having a mind to one's self - private, inpenetrable, a safe haven - is a necessary and wondrous thing, but being able to share that is an even more beautiful courageous thing. with whom you want to share this with is an entirely different matter...
At 12:29 PM,
Anonymous said…
This vivid description of the body and its secretions reminds me of The Kinsey Report (the movie with Liam Neeson) and how he exposed himself to so much to obtain his sexual observations. As a scientist Mr. Kinsey felt he could control the physical, that it had nothing to do with the mental, yet the mind and heart did get caught and exposed (he facilitated the swapping of spouses of his staff according to the movie to get even more sexual stats and at one point two of the subjects fight over their wives) - anyways - you might want to watch it, its resounds of your post...
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