now isnt that what its all about?
the understanding of the nature or quality or magnitude of something/one. an expression of gratitude. to be fully aware or sensitive to.
of course it may also refer to the increase in value of an object. versus depreciation where the value of your assets fall over time. how does one determine the value of an object? a person? a relationship? what is your measuring instrument?
a friend of mine once told me of what he was looking for in his next relationship. he named several qualities which he felt were important and amongst them was that he wanted to feel appreciated. i thought about it and decided oh so simple, but oh so true. and so important. i added that to my list as well. even if what the other person is giving you is not what you had in mind- consider the thought behind the gesture.
so many people i have known continue to be in the same relationship with different people where they do not get that feeling of appreciation from the other. they are most resilient in how they continue to choose the same people. why stay? what is it in you that feels the need to punish or depreciate yourself if others do not recognize your worth? whether it be a job or a friendship or a lover.
and how does one get to the point in a relationship where all they see is depreciation? how unhappy are those people that they have forgotten why they are in the same room together?
maybe im an idealist but i truly feel you can never show too much appreciation, you can never say too many thank yous. friends and relatives oft underappreciated, taken for granted because they are there, one has expectations. equally important is the guy at the token booth or the housekeeper who comes around and empties my garbage while im busy doing great works-whatever.
and on the lighter side-- there is the cloud appreciation society whose goal is to fight the banality of blue skies-yes they have a web site. all hail the cumulonimbus.
to my kith, kin and blog mates-i truly do, sincerely, appreciate y'all.
the understanding of the nature or quality or magnitude of something/one. an expression of gratitude. to be fully aware or sensitive to.
of course it may also refer to the increase in value of an object. versus depreciation where the value of your assets fall over time. how does one determine the value of an object? a person? a relationship? what is your measuring instrument?
a friend of mine once told me of what he was looking for in his next relationship. he named several qualities which he felt were important and amongst them was that he wanted to feel appreciated. i thought about it and decided oh so simple, but oh so true. and so important. i added that to my list as well. even if what the other person is giving you is not what you had in mind- consider the thought behind the gesture.
so many people i have known continue to be in the same relationship with different people where they do not get that feeling of appreciation from the other. they are most resilient in how they continue to choose the same people. why stay? what is it in you that feels the need to punish or depreciate yourself if others do not recognize your worth? whether it be a job or a friendship or a lover.
and how does one get to the point in a relationship where all they see is depreciation? how unhappy are those people that they have forgotten why they are in the same room together?
maybe im an idealist but i truly feel you can never show too much appreciation, you can never say too many thank yous. friends and relatives oft underappreciated, taken for granted because they are there, one has expectations. equally important is the guy at the token booth or the housekeeper who comes around and empties my garbage while im busy doing great works-whatever.
and on the lighter side-- there is the cloud appreciation society whose goal is to fight the banality of blue skies-yes they have a web site. all hail the cumulonimbus.
to my kith, kin and blog mates-i truly do, sincerely, appreciate y'all.