what does it mean and why do i crave it so badly? to the point of initiating it just so i can achieve control over the situation; the relationship, the job, the apartment. i move so often in all aspects of my life - what the hell am i trying to avoid? although i have gotten better... over a year in the same job and can actually anticipate being there for a few years. and its a great job that i love but i get viscerally uncomfortable when i think of being there for say- five years- its a lifetime- it feels like. why am i like this? my parents have been together since the stone age-whether or not they should have stayed together is an entirely different matter altogether. they have been in their house and jobs long- term, so i cant say i have had no stabilizing influences in my life. when does it stop? shouldnt i look for the one great guy to settle down with? or settle for? when i was younger i used to read alot more and used to love getting to the end of the book. even if the book was bad i would always finish it. i had to know the end. i had to finish it off. so in my own unique pathology i have to know the ending of things and to control it, i end it myself. damm i am so immature.
At 11:07 AM,
intrigant said…
dill- but shouldnt there be some unknowns in life? along with the sameness- isnt that part of this adulthood thing i hear people whisper about in stairwells and elevators?
fish- i have missed talking to you!
i feel the need to end everything at some point- almost like finishing those books, setting them down and starting another. i now know the ending because i have written it myself. get almost paniciky with the thought of being with someone, or at the same job, apartment for any length of time. i look at other people who say they have been working here for 15 years or married for 12 years with complete and utter awe. how does one do that? it seems like a club for which i dont possess the neccessary qualifications or the secret password for. i am an alien. the security /consistency of being with the same person/job/apt is appealing on many levels but at some point i think its too much of the same. i have chosen a career in which the job itself is far from the same- i am exposed to the good, the bad, the ugly, the weird and the unexpected every time. i get to channel surf every minute at work-never dull. yet i find the need to leave every year or two (i think its because i love those going away parties i get)...i believe that most of the people in my life are capable of being in this club and have seen them do so-but when it comes to myself-when pigs fly or when fish walk. trying to compartmentalize, to separate things out when maybe i should relax and mix more sticky buns...
At 11:30 PM,
Anonymous said…
This is interesting. I too always read a book (even if it was bad) to the end and watched all movies to the end. I never did this to feel in control, but rather to feel as if I could stick it out, go the long haul - the way an adult would.
Now that I am an "adult" I stop reading a book if it doesnt engage me. I return movies without veiwing them if I see after 10 minutes that I made a mistake.
I guess it feels more grown up to me to be able to let go and move on.
BTW, do you remember seeing Francis together? That movie made my wail like a newborn baby - I even remember the person we were sitting next too asking me to move!
Memories...they are priceless
At 2:11 AM,
intrigant said…
what makes you think of frances with jessica lange? interesting, bec we saw it at the theatre next to swensons ice cream store. upsetting movie.
but i too have adult characteristics and put down the book and shut off the movie if not interesting. nowadays the problem is the real people stuff, the relationships i enter into and the write the ending to- i am the conductor, director, spoiled princess...
At 12:56 PM,
minako said…
i don't think that maturity enters into it at all. 'settling down' with the right guy/job/apt isn't the same thing as 'settling'. we don't ever have to 'settle'. as far as long term planning - i don't know if we necessarily plan on being in one location/job/or with one guy for life - you just go with the flow and try and stay happy - if things aren't good, question why and try and change things - isn't that sometimes better than x-ing it out and starting over? it takes courage to going from something known, to something totally unknown.. sometimes there is no other way - and it's back to the drawing board, and maybe sometimes i stick things out for too long.. (make that definitely) - maybe that makes me immature! i guess in the end i don't have an answer - just silly ramblings... avoidance, laziness, cowardace - who knows what our motivations are (or lack there of)? all i know is it seems we are all striving for the same things - happiness, comfort, love -and we move through life making decisions right or wrong to try and get there... it's the journey! it's the journey!
At 12:08 AM,
intrigant said…
omigod so im courageous? never looked at it that way- i like it!
but seriously i like what you say about the journey and some of us choose nontraditional routes- overall im fairly content/happy with my life and my choices - sometimes i tend to question them when i see everyone else walking thru other doors. something to ponder i guess- and i guess thats what makes me intimidating to some people..although some people would say theres something wrong with breaking up with a guy just because he ordered the wrong pizza-but it was pizza for goodness sake! i mean it wasnt like it was chinese...
At 11:26 AM,
rhein said…
i don't believe in closure, or seeking it. in a perfect world, it's just about letting go, a graceful moving away.
At 11:33 AM,
minako said…
umm.. i guess there is something to say for flexibility and adaptability... without giving up too much of yourself or compromising too much.. pizza? well, i guess i could never be with a vegetarian...
At 2:07 PM,
intrigant said…
rhein- i like the way you expressed that- so much kinder gentler. and you never know when people reappear in your life-having just attended my first high school reunion there was a lesson learned there, and it was a pleasant one.
solar- but he ordered it with everything on it-even anchovies and pineapple! i mean theres just so much a girl can compromise on....
At 3:39 AM,
Anonymous said…
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