interesting term.
a person can be disabled, or you can disable a bomb or an electric circuit.
disable- to weaken or destroy the normal physical or mental abilities of; incapacitate.
when i was younger the neighborhood bully would disable me by throwing me on the ground and sitting on my chest. now that i am an adult (and he is in jail), i sometimes disable myself when i imbibe too much alcohol. i am disabled when i am sick or emotionally drained and unable to function at my optimum. all of us are disabled at one time or another to a greater or lesser extent, acutely or chronically (see bush, george w).
i have no great words regarding people who are more permanently effected by the vagaries or brutalities of life. my friend who has just had a stroke is now beginning to sense how disabled she is. previously too confused to process what was happening to her she was almost comedic in her conversation. now that some of her circuitry has been taken over by other sections of her brain, she is beginning to understand what has transpired and what she has lost. she is tearful and scared and disabled. as my cousin (previously disabled from crack and crack hos and having lost almost everything except a very few understanding kith and kin- but thats another blog- and is now climbing his way back out of the primordial sludge) says 'life is arbitrary, brutal, and short' sounds pessimistic and upon first glance it may appear so but i look at his statement as realistic and therefore all the more justification for living as thoroughly as i can. i am learning everyday how much i have.
a person can be disabled, or you can disable a bomb or an electric circuit.
disable- to weaken or destroy the normal physical or mental abilities of; incapacitate.
when i was younger the neighborhood bully would disable me by throwing me on the ground and sitting on my chest. now that i am an adult (and he is in jail), i sometimes disable myself when i imbibe too much alcohol. i am disabled when i am sick or emotionally drained and unable to function at my optimum. all of us are disabled at one time or another to a greater or lesser extent, acutely or chronically (see bush, george w).
i have no great words regarding people who are more permanently effected by the vagaries or brutalities of life. my friend who has just had a stroke is now beginning to sense how disabled she is. previously too confused to process what was happening to her she was almost comedic in her conversation. now that some of her circuitry has been taken over by other sections of her brain, she is beginning to understand what has transpired and what she has lost. she is tearful and scared and disabled. as my cousin (previously disabled from crack and crack hos and having lost almost everything except a very few understanding kith and kin- but thats another blog- and is now climbing his way back out of the primordial sludge) says 'life is arbitrary, brutal, and short' sounds pessimistic and upon first glance it may appear so but i look at his statement as realistic and therefore all the more justification for living as thoroughly as i can. i am learning everyday how much i have.
At 8:58 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hmm, I thought I preferred the word dysfunctional. However upon further analysis (which you have clearly done), I realize that disable has 3 syllables, the same number of syllables as family. In some deep dark way I rather like that!
At 12:08 AM,
intrigant said…
sometimes we are bystanders in the randomness of life, sometimes i am drowning in it all. it also was a response to paul who doesnt like it when i taunt the disabled. henceforth i will contain myself to kicking the elderly and spitting on small exceptionally cute children.
At 10:31 AM,
Phil said…
nice post. i try to wield as much control over my daily existence as possible but instances contantly surface that remind me i'm not always operating the steering wheel.
nice post.
At 10:31 PM,
intrigant said…
fwiw, thumbs are a very good thing to have esp when hitchhiking or juggling- i would save up if i were you....
alive and kicking..
so much entropy, so little time
At 2:34 PM,
Anonymous said…
Nice to C you have not FOR-GOT-TEN me. Good one!
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